Die Suche ergab 13 Treffer

von masken
30.10.15 17:03
Forum: Watching Tennis at a football ground
Thema: Guys...
Antworten: 12
Aufrufe: 53861

Re: Guys...

von masken » 30.10.15 17:03
:oops: obviously forgot this ;)
von masken
30.10.15 12:58
Forum: Watching Tennis at a football ground
Thema: Guys...
Antworten: 12
Aufrufe: 53861

Re: Guys...

von masken » 30.10.15 12:58
Yeah almost like a woman....really scary.

Two big big derbies tonight around Europe.
Im Berlin, TeBe - Herta 03, following on Twitter
And then in west-London, Brentford - Ra Ras livestream.
von masken
16.10.15 22:25
Forum: Watching Tennis at a football ground
Thema: Guys...
Antworten: 12
Aufrufe: 53861

Re: Guys...

von masken » 16.10.15 22:25
Thelma Houston!
von masken
07.10.15 14:47
Forum: Watching Tennis at a football ground
Thema: Guys...
Antworten: 12
Aufrufe: 53861

Re: Guys...

von masken » 07.10.15 14:47
Ah, sorry had to cancel my visit now in October.
So Im looking for a visit in spring instead.
von masken
07.10.15 10:36
Forum: Watching Tennis at a football ground
Thema: Guys...
Antworten: 12
Aufrufe: 53861

Re: Guys...

von masken » 07.10.15 10:36
//Edit: Well, you're obviously not, as I found out.//
No Im not, but I do support Hammarby.

//Seems like your visit's gonna be a tough challenge for our winning streak//
Dont worry, Ill keep an eye on TeBe, and fly down when promotion is secured...deal?
von masken
05.10.15 15:23
Forum: Watching Tennis at a football ground
Thema: Guys...
Antworten: 12
Aufrufe: 53861

Re: Guys...

von masken » 05.10.15 15:23
Ok, I hope for the best.

No, I went to see Helmsdorf(?) away about two years ago, TeBe lost, but Im from Stockholm thats right.
My first TeBe game was in 1998 @Mommsen, another losing experience, so dont call me Mr Luck. ;)
von masken
03.10.15 20:40
Forum: Watching Tennis at a football ground
Thema: Guys...
Antworten: 12
Aufrufe: 53861


von masken » 03.10.15 20:40
...your doing damn good at the moment.
Glad for you.
Is back to back promotion realistic?
von masken
15.07.15 12:52
Forum: Watching Tennis at a football ground
Thema: Big in Sweden
Antworten: 6
Aufrufe: 26489

Re: Big in Sweden

von masken » 15.07.15 12:52
This one looks doable,
Fr 16.10.15 19:30 Tennis Borussia - SV Altlüdersdorf.
von masken
29.06.15 16:10
Forum: Watching Tennis at a football ground
Thema: Big in Sweden
Antworten: 6
Aufrufe: 26489

Re: Big in Sweden

von masken » 29.06.15 16:10
Danke schön.
von masken
29.06.15 12:27
Forum: Watching Tennis at a football ground
Thema: Big in Sweden
Antworten: 6
Aufrufe: 26489

Re: Big in Sweden

von masken » 29.06.15 12:27
Nice little piece.
Congratz to the promotion!
Any idea when the new schedule is set?
Planning a weekend in Berlin mid-October.