How Scottish football became a cauldron of hate for Israel

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Registriert: 11.09.20 01:17
Wohnort: West Berlin

How Scottish football became a cauldron of hate for Israel

Beitrag von Andy »

Attending that match was life-long Scotland fan David Barnett, who also happens to be Jewish.

The Glasgow businessman said: “I was there when they were booing the Israeli national anthem. You can argue the toss if it’s antisemitism or anti-Zionism. There is only one Jewish state in the world and it is held to account by everyone in a holier-than-thou way.

"If Israel does anything wrong, those who wish to denigrate the state of Israel will do it any way they can.”

Mr Barnett has followed Scotland all over the world, to Albania, Slovenia, Slovakia, the Faroe Islands, Germany, France and the Czech Republic.

He has also advised fellow members of the Tartan Army on how they could make the most of their visit when Scotland travelled to play Israel in Haifa, which they enjoyed enormously. The Scots supporters maintained their near-20 year tradition of supporting children’s charities in foreign countries by making a £5,000 contribution to an Israeli premature baby unit.

He added: “People in Scotland are more concerned with Celtic and Rangers, so racism towards other minority groups is not dwelt upon too much.

“There are not many Jews in Scotland but it’s when Israel hits the news, well that’s when feeling against us rears its ugly head.

“How did I feel at Hampden when fellow fans booed the Israeli national anthem?

“Sadly, it happens and it’s really only by a small minority. I sang Hatikva under my breath anyway.”
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