Fabio Capello says John Terry is not a racist

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Doughnut Boy Andy

Fabio Capello says John Terry is not a racist

Beitrag von Doughnut Boy Andy »

FABIO CAPELLO has insisted there is no hint of racism within the England camp.
The Three Lions boss is convinced his skipper John Terry is innocent of allegations he racially abused QPR defender Anton Ferdinand while playing for Chelsea a fortnight ago.

Capello said: "In my experience I have never seen, never heard and never found racism problems in England football. Racist problems between the players do not exist."

The Italian has been warned by the FA not to say anything that would prejudice the Met Police investigation into claims against Terry — but he declared he had no problem picking him in his provisional squad to face Spain and Sweden.
Source: the greatest newspaper in the world.
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Registriert: 04.04.05 14:12
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Re: Fabio Capello says John Terry is not a racist

Beitrag von Loddar »

Tja, wie auch immer. Aber was ich wirklich gut finde, ist, dass die Inselaffen-Polizei bei solchen Vorfällen ermitteln MUSS und das offensichtlich auch mit dem nötigen Ernst tut, obwohl die sicher auch jede Menge andere Aufgaben hätten. Da kann sich unsere Polizei gerne mal eine dicke Scheibe von abschneiden. Auch auf den Rängen. Einmal das U-Bahnlied auf den Lippen und zwei Minuten später im Mannschaftswagen Richtung U-Haft....vielleicht würde das ja mal was bringen, wenn man es diesen tumben Balgen schon nicht auf halbwegs normalem Wege klar machen kann :!:
Der Hund bellt, die Wolken ziehen.
(Persisches Sprichwort)
Doughnut Boy Andy

Re: Fabio Capello says John Terry is not a racist

Beitrag von Doughnut Boy Andy »

Yes, I generally agree that the system in England is far better and the action taken by clubs, players and police to investigate such incidents is to be praised.
Stamford Bridge skipper Terry is alleged to have called Ferdinand a "f****** black c***", but he vehemently denies this.

It was claimed Cole went into the QPR dressing room after the game and asked Anton to have a word with Terry.

A Rangers source revealed: "Anton went to see JT, who explained some video footage made it look as though he had said something racist.

"Anton, who at that stage didn't really know what JT was talking about, said everything was fine."

The problem with this incident however is that the police are being forced to investigate a victimless "crime" based on a complaint from some video footage among huge media interest. Anton never complained about anything. Neither JT's Chelsea nor Anton's QPR team mates are complaining. The situation is ludicrous and quite honestly trivialises the racism that there still is in European football.
Doughnut Boy Andy

Re: Fabio Capello says John Terry is not a racist

Beitrag von Doughnut Boy Andy »

John Terry cleared of racially abusing Anton Ferdinand

John Terry has been cleared of racially abusing Anton Ferdinand following a week long trial in London in which he said he was hurt by the accusation.

Correct decision.
Beiträge: 6878
Registriert: 06.01.03 16:54
Wohnort: ex ökonomische & politische Einheit Westberlin

Re: Fabio Capello says John Terry is not a racist

Beitrag von ping-pong-alex »

ich war TeBe-ich bin TeBe- ich werde TeBe sein

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