TeBe better than red Ken

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TeBe better than red Ken

Beitrag von ping-pong-alex »

TeBe vs Staaken : 3:1 (brilliant)
Red Ken vs Boris : 992.273 : 1.054.811 (grrrr; but not unexpected - even my mother likes the charme from this Boris )
ich war TeBe-ich bin TeBe- ich werde TeBe sein

Der Internationalismus hört am Strafraum auf

El pueblo unido jamas será vencido

mr. bungle
Beiträge: 10117
Registriert: 06.02.03 01:55
Wohnort: Beautiful Mountain Peace Meadow

Re: TeBe better than red Ken

Avatar Beitrag von mr. bungle »

Waitress! I'll have what he's having! :)
gen·o·cide (noun) /ˈdʒenəsaɪd/ When Palestinians lose another war they have started.
Doughnut Boy Andy

Re: TeBe better than red Ken

Beitrag von Doughnut Boy Andy »

Bye bye, Brown Ken!
It was a real photo finish. But in the end, London said no to the cronyism, the infatuation with totalitarian regimes, the baiting of Jews, the pandering to Islamists and hate preachers, the disloyalty, the hypocrisy, embodied by Ken Livingstone.

London is not Malmo.

This was a glorious election for the Labour Party. The Mayoralty should have been in the bag, too. Ken Livingstone lost it. On his own.

Had Ken Livingstone won, we know what would have come next. Not only the return of the politics of division and hatred: but a coterie of emboldened Kennites, urging such a strategy on Labour, nationally.

That siren song must now be ignored. Let’s hope that we hear no more of Ken Livingstone.

PS: In that vein: the British National Party has been wiped out. And Respect’s Abjol Miah lost to Labour in Tower Hamlets
Harry's Place.

...and more importantly (for this forum at least) well done TeBe!
Belfast Lila-Weisser
Beiträge: 289
Registriert: 31.03.05 19:15
Wohnort: im halbleeren Glas :)

Re: TeBe better than red Ken

Beitrag von Belfast Lila-Weisser »

ping-pong-alex hat geschrieben:TeBe vs Staaken : 3:1 (brilliant)
Red Ken vs Boris : 992.273 : 1.054.811 (grrrr; but not unexpected - even my mother likes the charme from this Boris )
Linfield winning the Irish Cup made it a perfect weekend, 3 top results!
Nie wieder 3. Liga

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