Home vs. FCH03 Zehlendorf 22.09.23

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Home vs. FCH03 Zehlendorf 22.09.23

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Here we go, Tennis vs. Goliath.

Our Violets are facing the top team in the league this Friday night at 7pm in the oak ringed temple that is Mommsen.

This is a key test to see whether or not we can compete for promotion. Zehlendorf has won every game so far, is top of the Oberliga Northeast, and they are the team to beat.

Let's see if Brauer's Boys can rise to the challenge. They'll need tough defense, sharp offense, to give it their all, (and of course score some goals!) to top these giants.

Come on TeBe!
Fight for the win!
We want the league!

See you Friday
<<It is not, however, a straightforward defense of the autocratic Prussian state, as some have alleged, but is rather a defense of "Prussia as it was to have become under [proposed] reform administrations.">> (Wikipedia on Hegel)
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Registriert: 04.08.23 20:39

Re: Home vs. FCH03 Zehlendorf 22.09.23

Avatar Beitrag von Jay »

Tennis Borussia Berlin vs. FCH03 Zehlendorf

Mommsenstadion, Berlin
22 September 2023

There are two things that tonight's game proved:

1 - Zehlendorf is the Goliath of the league this season, figuratively and literally. Their captain who hammered the header home was taller than all of our players by at least a foot, maybe two.

2 - This TB team is for real. They played good defense, they made offense happen, and they competed hard and didn't give up.

This was the match, the team to beat for our Eichkamp Boys - league leading Zehlendorf had won every game so far this season. They even came with their own posse of ultras - a dozen or so youths who came well prepared with choreo, a drum, and even a sign. They made themselves heard in the stadium (and at the train stations) - good to have some fun competition!

The game started with a glorious sunset - orange and pink, and competing red and violet behind the bright lights of Mommsen.

Five minutes in, it looked like our fates would be sealed early with a penalty kick for Z'dorf. But as fate would have it, their giant captain stuttered and kicked a weak grounder to the left corner that the Tennis goalie was able to dive to and save. We're in it!

Tennis was making aggressive attacks and even a strong shot on goal that was blocked, but it was clear that the opponents were fast, skilled, and motivated. So long as TB kept up the offense though, the opponents were relatively held back.

Then, off an excellent corner in from Oschmann, a header in by Nattermann!!! Tennis Borussia up 1:0 against the league leaders - this could be our game!

After the goal the Prussians fell back and played more reactive, more defensive - a dangerous bet against such a good team. The Zehlendorfers started getting more and better chances. Tennis was able to pick up some counter-punches, but made the mistake of playing too high and leaving room for the Z's to attack with space and man advantages. The TB midfielders were thus under a lot of tension, to play good defense and build offense, their positioning had to be excellent and you could tell the younger players were facing a big challenge.

The game was back and forth, with maybe an advantage in chances for the opponents, but Tennis was able to keep them from scoring (and made a few good runs themselves) up until the half.

When the teams came back out the Zehlendorfers did a warm up drill before TB came out of the tunnel. They jumped and sprinted out from a huddle several times, getting pumped up with group energy. When Tennis came out afterwards and walked slowly onto the field you could tell there would be an energy differential.

Zehlendord came out strong, making dangerous attacks one after the other, getting close in on goal: a good corner in, a dribble right up to the goalie, a goal that went in but was called back on a hand-ball, another pass right into the box, a cross to a header off the crossbar...

Then the header from Goliath off a corner - the Zehlendorf captain leapt through and above the crowd of players like a ship through a wave and hammered the ball into the net with a dominant header, running triumphant afterwards past the TB fans. This is Goliath.

It was a blow to the team, but you could see these Prussians were not giving up - they were preparing to fight with more resolve.

Tennis made a couple attacking runs, but got caught again back in their own box and, in a chaos at the line a Violet player fallen to the ground accidentally hit the ball with his hand. PK for Goliath.

This time, the Mountain did not miss, he buried the ball perfectly on a hard high kick to the side. 1:2 Z'dorfers.

TB now really had to fight if they wanted to win. The pressure was high, as evidenced by Coach Brauer getting a yellow card. But to start the Violets struggled to make something happen. Z'dorf fell back in defensive position, and the Eichkamp Boys couldn't make something work and ended up turning the ball over into a dangerous counter which the goalie stopped.

After that they pushed better, used the wings and made an attack. A cross to outside, into the middle, back to the left and - into the goal!!! 2:2 the equalizer! Excellent work by Amamoo and Ramadan!

The game returned to a back and forth affair. Goliath made some good attacks, but the Tennis defense and goalie were holding strong. The game could go either way - maybe we could leave with a tie, or maybe even a win...

Our weakness was a midfielder who was struggling to play defense against these extremely dangerous Zehlendorf attackers. On a fast attack off a good sending pass up the wing Oschmann tracked the attacker and had him outside, the TB midfielder sprinted back to support - but in a split second of confusion when both TB men were there side by side, the Zehlendorfer cut through the middle of both and in on goal in a flash where there were more Z. attackers waiting for an easy quick pass and stinging goal. 2:3 Z'dorf, the tie was lost. An unfortunate and small mistake, but Zehlendorf took full advantage. TB did not have enough men back, and the Z.dorf midfielder had made his own luck out of a split second of confusion. If the midfielder had supported from further in, or tackled the ball, or if more players had been back on defense... something to improve on, but too late for now.

A bitter moment in a match that had been so close. We'd even had the lead and won the equalizer. While the team kept on fighting and made good attacks, the only change to the tally we could get were yellow cards, which the referee seemed eager to give us. The TB head coach got a second yellow and was ejected. On a bad Z.dorf foul the ref gave a yellow, but added one also for the TB player.

Collecting yellows doesn't do any good, and maybe was a sign of pressure and effort boiling to frustration. The fans took to yelling at the refs, but officials will never win you a game (though they can make losing one easier).

But you have to say, the players themselves did not give up. You have to admire that they kept on fighting instead of falling back to complaining. This team played better than in weeks before. They made good offense and got two goals. The defense held strong against lots of dangerous attacks, except for the mistakes and the height of Z.'s captain. Our goalie also played very well against a barage of well-executed attacks in on goal - he even stopped a PK.

The Violets couldn't get one more goal, there wasn't time though they made a good effort. 2:3 loss after a heck of a match.

Zehlendorf has a really good team - they're fast, tactical, and give a full effort. They're the team to beat in this year's Oberliga Northeast.

But this TB team is also for real. They could have won this match, and had the lead and an equalizer at different points. Best of all they didn't quit.

It's tough to see mistakes from young players get capitalized on by the other team. We'll have to get better, and we will - call it growing pains.

But after the loss the songs from the fan block warmed the heart to hear. These Tennis Borussians gave an effort to cheer for. Shake it off and try again next time. Onward and upward, the Mommsen faithful have got your back.

After the game the Funkturm was lit up Z'dorf blue. But the sky above Mommsen's bright white lights was a patient sea of celestial violet.

Until next time,

Come on TeBe!
<<It is not, however, a straightforward defense of the autocratic Prussian state, as some have alleged, but is rather a defense of "Prussia as it was to have become under [proposed] reform administrations.">> (Wikipedia on Hegel)
mr. bungle
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Re: Home vs. FCH03 Zehlendorf 22.09.23

Avatar Beitrag von mr. bungle »

Wonderful match report once again!
gen·o·cide (noun) /ˈdʒenəsaɪd/ When Palestinians lose another war they have started.
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Registriert: 04.08.23 20:39

Re: Home vs. FCH03 Zehlendorf 22.09.23

Avatar Beitrag von Jay »

mr. bungle hat geschrieben: 24.09.23 07:02 Wonderful match report once again!
Thanks, Mr. B!
<<It is not, however, a straightforward defense of the autocratic Prussian state, as some have alleged, but is rather a defense of "Prussia as it was to have become under [proposed] reform administrations.">> (Wikipedia on Hegel)