Die Suche ergab 20 Treffer

von Jay
20.05.24 19:51
Forum: Dit Spiel, TeBe & der janze Rest
Thema: Umbau Mommse
Antworten: 701
Aufrufe: 119222

Re: Umbau Mommse

von Jay » 20.05.24 19:51
Das beste was wir machen können, um das Mommsenstadium zu behalten, ist den Aufstieg zurück in die Regionalliga, und zwar so schnell wie möglich.

Andernfalls riskieren wir Irrelevanz - gegenüber Politikern, aber auch für potenzielle Fans und Sponsoren.

Bin gespannt auf nächste Saison.
von Jay
07.10.23 13:14
Forum: Watching Tennis at a football ground
Thema: Home vs. Schwerin 6.10.23
Antworten: 1
Aufrufe: 4233

Re: Home vs. D. Schwerin 6.10.23

von Jay » 07.10.23 13:14
Tennis Borussia Berlin vs. D. Schwerin What a nail-biter! Sorry folks, was sick and couldn't make it to the game to write a match report. Sounds like it was a good one, from the legend Benny (what a great interview! http://lilakanal.de/viewtopic.php?t=9151 ) to the feeling in the stands to the last...
von Jay
04.10.23 12:38
Forum: Watching Tennis at a football ground
Thema: Home vs. Schwerin 6.10.23
Antworten: 1
Aufrufe: 4233

Home vs. Schwerin 6.10.23

von Jay » 04.10.23 12:38
The win last Sunday in Neukölln was just what the doctor ordered. After a painful slide of close losses and ties, these Violets were able to pull together a confident win built on their strengths: a stout defense, lightning fast wingers, and veteran depth up the middle. Two goals from Nattermann won...
von Jay
25.09.23 19:35
Forum: Watching Tennis at a football ground
Thema: The 2023-24 Season
Antworten: 1
Aufrufe: 4484

Re: The 2023-24 Season

von Jay » 25.09.23 19:35
Update after game vs. FCH03 Zehlehndorf : After the closely fought loss to the league leading Zehlendorfers, it felt like the path to promotion had been shut. You could sense in the frustration and disappointment from the players after the game that maybe they felt that way too. But it's important ...
von Jay
25.09.23 14:52
Forum: Watching Tennis at a football ground
Thema: Home vs. FCH03 Zehlendorf 22.09.23
Antworten: 3
Aufrufe: 4438

Re: Home vs. FCH03 Zehlendorf 22.09.23

von Jay » 25.09.23 14:52
mr. bungle hat geschrieben: 24.09.23 07:02 Wonderful match report once again!
Thanks, Mr. B!
von Jay
23.09.23 22:34
Forum: Watching Tennis at a football ground
Thema: Home vs. FCH03 Zehlendorf 22.09.23
Antworten: 3
Aufrufe: 4438

Re: Home vs. FCH03 Zehlendorf 22.09.23

von Jay » 23.09.23 22:34
Tennis Borussia Berlin vs. FCH03 Zehlendorf Mommsenstadion, Berlin 22 September 2023 There are two things that tonight's game proved: 1 - Zehlendorf is the Goliath of the league this season, figuratively and literally. Their captain who hammered the header home was taller than all of our players by...
von Jay
21.09.23 10:22
Forum: Watching Tennis at a football ground
Thema: Home vs. FCH03 Zehlendorf 22.09.23
Antworten: 3
Aufrufe: 4438

Home vs. FCH03 Zehlendorf 22.09.23

von Jay » 21.09.23 10:22
Here we go, Tennis vs. Goliath . Our Violets are facing the top team in the league this Friday night at 7pm in the oak ringed temple that is Mommsen. This is a key test to see whether or not we can compete for promotion. Zehlendorf has won every game so far, is top of the Oberliga Northeast, and the...
von Jay
19.09.23 16:38
Forum: Watching Tennis at a football ground
Thema: The 2023-24 Season
Antworten: 1
Aufrufe: 4484

The 2023-24 Season

von Jay » 19.09.23 16:38
REVIEW A quick recap for those of you who are new to the Mommsen-Club, or who have been away for a while. We all know that Tennis Borussia Berlin has a long tradition, having recently celebrated 120 years. It is perhaps debatable, but in my clearly unbiased opinion the club is among Berlin's four m...
von Jay
02.09.23 10:08
Forum: Dit Spiel, TeBe & der janze Rest
Thema: Freitag, 01.09. , 19Uhr - TeBe- Neustrelitz
Antworten: 30
Aufrufe: 4044

Re: Freitag, 01.09. , 19Uhr - TeBe- Neustrelitz

von Jay » 02.09.23 10:08
Schade, aber zumindest haben die Jungs sich langsam mehr Mühe gegeben. Müssen halt noch ein Tor schießen können. Davon lernen und nochmal versuchen. Bin gespannt, wie sie sich weiter entwickeln!

P.S. Mein Bericht auf Englisch: http://lilakanal.de/viewtopic.php?t=9127

Come on TeBe!
von Jay
02.09.23 00:14
Forum: Watching Tennis at a football ground
Thema: Home vs. Neustrelitz 01.09.23
Antworten: 3
Aufrufe: 4640

Re: Home vs. Neustrelitz 01.09.23

von Jay » 02.09.23 00:14
RoterWedding hat geschrieben: 01.09.23 14:47 I totally love reading this!
Come On TeBe!
Hey, thanks for the support (and for keeping Wedding Rot!)