Niemand siegt gegen TeBe

For our friends from all around the world to discuss in any non-german language

Niemand siegt gegen TeBe

Beitrag von Pentii »

Ok, so we´ll keep ya updated in a while about the Swedish TeBe Supporter Club. For a time this massive club (we´re probably 3 right now, but we´re determined and we like lilac and white and the great name) was going to be called "Die TeBe Touristen" or "Flying down Saturday morning-flying home Saturday evening-crew". But no, would´ve been too obvious! No, no! We decided upon the great name "Klubb Massjukskrivning", Period. Means something like "Club Massive Krankmeldungen". Really idiotic and stupid, but has a story and we told it @ E-block so suffice to say we didn´t know the great TeBe songs like "Niemand siegt gegen TeBe..." the first time we went to Mommsenstadion excactly two years ago....Will keep you all updated, ´cause I guess you´re dying to hear the truth :D Prost! Der Per von Krankmeldung

Re: Niemand siegt gegen TeBe

Beitrag von Pentii »

6 members, still counting. One of the fastest growing movements of Europe right now? 4 Swedes, 1 Finnish citizen (living in Friedrichshain, Berlin) and one German (living in Stockholm, soon in Berlin). It´s a long way to the top (if you wanna rock ´n roll)....
Beiträge: 11657
Registriert: 03.01.03 14:07
Wohnort: Am Rande des Moab

Re: Niemand siegt gegen TeBe

Beitrag von Denis »

yeah!! only 9000 to go :)
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