Greetings from Canada.

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Doughnut Boy Andy

Greetings from Canada.

Beitrag von Doughnut Boy Andy »


.... Searching for Ryan.

Greetings to the TeBe crew!
mr. bungle
Beiträge: 10119
Registriert: 06.02.03 01:55
Wohnort: Beautiful Mountain Peace Meadow

Avatar Beitrag von mr. bungle »

wow, quite funny - just last night i tried researching little about how ryan is doing over there. unfortunately i wasn't too successful, there ain't much information on the connecticut site. hope you'll find out some more on your mission. if you'll meet him: best regards from here.

have fun & hope to see you when you're back home in purpletown!
gen·o·cide (noun) /ˈdʒenəsaɪd/ When Palestinians lose another war they have started.
Beiträge: 2347
Registriert: 07.04.05 19:01
Wohnort: Berlin-Neukölln

Beitrag von Norbert »

thanx for the greets!

Hope you´re doing well in the "little village" ;-)

Are you able to make some groundhopping experiences?

Whatever - hope you´re coming someday back to the E-Block!
Doughnut Boy Andy

Beitrag von Doughnut Boy Andy »

Hi people,

This week is Winter Pride in Whistler, BC, Canada.
GayWhistler presents WinterPRIDE - with all the great elements of the traditional gay ski week and the "bonus" of a winter festival; a more comprehensive and exciting range of culinary, health & wellness, spa, and educational activities.

Whether you're a novice at snow sports, an aspiring culinary artist, a wine enthusiast, a spa queen, a health and wellness fan, a social butterfly, or just looking for a good time, we guarantee that there will be something for everyone to do during the weeklong WinterPRIDE festivities. ... /index.htm

Quite a nice friendly atmosphere around the town - not that it is ever especially unfriendly here - and the snow has been great the last few days. Have nearly managed to lean how to snowboard properly but it is harder than the Belfaster makes it look and the first few days of learning are hellish.

Doubt I will manage to meet up with Ryan or even see a "soccer" game here at all. This town is all winter sports and on my trips to Vancouver it is all Ice-Hockey and then some more Ice-Hockey. Will be back in Berlin around the 1st of March, by which time TeBe will be almost in the Berliner Pilsner final. God I fancy a real beer - I love North America as a whole but beer is one thing that this continent cannot make well unless you try out the little micro-breweries.... and Doner too of course, and football and some real bread and a few other things too.

Keep it purple, after all, everybody is wearing it. A xx